
Tales of University: Chapter One - It Begins

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Literature Text

(Luke POV)

(DauntlessLukieCake has joined the chat)
DauntlessLukieCake: Hey guys
DauntlessLukieCake: What’s up
Smoke+Asches: How many times have I told you to consider punctuation?
DauntlessLukieCake: 27 now
Smoke+Asches: Yep.
(ImaFonTechGuy has joined the chat)
ImaFonTechGuy: Wassup bros?
NataliaKitten22: I’m still here
TokunagaAni: Me too!
DauntlessLukieCake: I wouldn’t be surprised if Jade and Saphir are here too
DauntlessLukieCake: If someone would acknowledge my existence .-.
Smoke+Asches: It’s not my fault, dreck.
(FonicallyAwkward has joined the chat)
FonicallyAwkward: Hi guys~ What’cha talking about?
TokunagaAni: Ion!! I missed you
FonicallyAwkward: Hehe
(DauntlessLukieCake has gone afk)
Tear342: I was always here as well
NataliaKitten22: Hi Tear how’s life
Tear342: It’s okay
ImaFonTechGuy: Anise are you and Ion baes or something
TokunagaAni: You wish bitch
(DauntlessLukieCake is no longer afk)
DauntlessLukieCake: Sweet Yulia Anise watch your sailor mouth
DauntlessLukieCake: Before the mighty wrath of Asch comes down upon you o_o
FonicallyAwkward: I might be her bae but she ain’t mine
Smoke+Asches: Oh my.
TokunagaAni: Wow Ion thats sweet
FonicallyAwkward: Your welcome hon
ImaFonTechGuy: I’m happy
ImaFonTechGuy: was worried cos Anise is my bae not yours
Smoke+Asches: …
NataliaKitten22: Oh my
Tear342: Luke your so dreamy sometimes
DauntlessLukieCake: <3 Just doin my job
FonicallyAwkward: You sound like Zelos
Tear342: Dafuq is that
DauntlessLukieCake: Zelos Wilder…
DauntlessLukieCake: He got ‘most likely to be on a drama TV show’ in the yearbook in senior year remember
Tear342: Is he the guy who’s always flirting with Lloyd
DauntlessLukieCake: Yeah
Smoke+Asches: DRECK
Smoke+Asches: DAMMIT
DauntlessLukieCake: Sheesh look who forgot their punctuation now xD
Smoke+Asches: Get an education, dreck.
DauntlessLukieCake: Get a girlfriend
NataliaKitten22: Hate to crush your dreams but I’m his bae
NataliaKitten22: do you live under a rock or something
DauntlessLukieCake: I dunno about you but I live on campus
ImaFonTechGuy: With the Fon Tech
DauntlessLukieCake: No with Asch
DauntlessLukieCake: And no hes not my bae
TokunagaAni: Why does everyone keep saying bae???
FonicallyAwkward: I have no idea. Isn’t that right, bae?
TokunagaAni: You’re so cute~
ImaFonTechGuy: I’m thinking we should extend this chat to the other Tales of’s. All in favor say Johnny Yong Bosch
DauntlessLukieCake: IM DIVERGENT
DauntlessLukieCake: I DO WHAT I WANT BITCH
Tear342: He’s not a bitch he’s a guy
DauntlessLukieCake: Actually you’re right there
DauntlessLukieCake: he’s a Gailardia
TokunagaAni: You can propose to me anytime you want
DauntlessLukieCake: Id rather not
Tear342: Watch what u say I can screenshot this Luke
DauntlessLukieCake: Don’t worry I got your back
DauntlessLukieCake: Zelos can’t hurt you here
NataliaKitten22: I wonder what Asch is doing
NataliaKitten22: Do you know, Luke?

I look up from my phone, my thumbs sore from texting all evening and my eyes stinging from lack of blinking.
 “Asch!!!!” I yell at the top of my lungs, refusing to get up from my comfy bean bag chair.
“Whadda ya want, dreck???” A voice returns to me. It’s Asch, just as I expected.
“Do you know what time it is???”
 “No,” I reply, staring down at my tPhone. “It’s 9:40 at night, never mind.”
 “You’re so stupid, dreck!! How’d you get accepted into this college anyhow?? You can’t go out for ice cream at 9:40!!!”
In my lap, my phone vibrates simultaneously. I got another text, but I don’t bother to look down at it. The sound of footsteps pounding down the soft carpeted stairs catches my attention as another text tone shakes in my lap, sending tingles throughout my legs.
 “I’ll take you to Frogurt after class tomorrow, alright?”
I look behind me to see Asch at the bottom of the stairs, his hair messy, tPhone in one hand, perfectly ready to settle in for the night. We have two separate rooms, but we still text each other and the gang from our beds.
“Now go to bed. You need some sleep for school.”
 Asch orders, snapping his fingers and pointing towards the stairs. “Geez dad, I know the drill. Stop yelling at me.” I huff, shuffling up the flight of stairs and closing my bedroom door behind me. I flop onto the soft, freshly made bed, and unlock my phone to see several new messages.

ImaFonTechGuy: Luke
TokunagaAni: LukieCake where are you??
(DauntlessLukieCake was never afk but is officially back)
DauntlessLukieCake: Up your ass
Tear342: it’s dangerous to go there alone
Tear342: >.-.> take this

A picture appears in the chat bubble. I tap it with my finger and, upon seeing it, drop my phone. It lands on the wooden floor beside me.
 It’s a picture of Tear hugging Asch.
I bite my lip and tap away my reply.

DauntlessLukieCake: you little traitor
FonicallyAwkward: It’s obviously photoshopped
TokunagaAni: Yeah Lukie Luke calm your tits
DauntlessLukieCake: I don’t got none srry
*FonicallyAwkward has died of laughter and can no longer chat with you. Please leave a message after the Allstate commercial.
ImaFonTechGuy: I forgot we could leave server messages like that!!
*ImaFonTechGuy is the real Iron Man
Smoke+Asches: Yeah right.
*Smoke+Asches is sick of you fatties.
DauntlessLukieCake: Who you callin fat
Smoke+Asches: You, my dear boy.
*DauntlessLukieCake secretly has pictures of Asch in the shower and is about to post them on Instagram
Smoke+Asches: You’re such a weirdo!!!
*NataliaKitten22 is refreshing her Instagram repeatedly.
DauntlessLukieCake: JK I don’t
DauntlessLukieCake: You just ain’t pretty enough girl
Smoke+Asches: Luke my bedroom is across from yours
Smoke+Asches: I can bomb it with grenades any time I want to
DauntlessLukieCake: oh my
Tear342: Please don’t kill my bae
NataliaKitten22: I love how we can be so open about our feelings towards each other when we text, but in public we’re all like, ‘NO DON’T BOTHER MEEE’~! xD
ImaFonTechGuy: @NataliaKitten22 IKR!!
FonicallyAwkward: Guy
FonicallyAwkward: This isn’t Twitter you don’t have to tag us
DauntlessLukieCake: Haha Ion your name totally suits you
DauntlessLukieCake: #JustRealizedThat
(DauntlessLukieCake is now afk again)

I yawn and quickly hop out of bed, remembering I need to put on some legit clothes before I hit the hay. I throw on a random pair of plaid pants and a blue shirt, then re-flop onto my bed again. This time I slide way down under the covers where it’s nice and toasty, a perfect line of defense against the nippy fall air. I check my phone again.

FonicallyAwkward: I wonder what Sync’s doing right now
(DauntlessLukieCake is no longer afk. FINALLY.)
TokunagaAni: Your mother
FonicallyAwkward: … .-. I thought we were over this
FonicallyAwkward: everyone knows Ratatosk is the real rapist around here
FonicallyAwkward: poor Emil
ImaFonTechGuy: xDDD
Tear342: Who’s Emil
DauntlessLukieCake: Girl you gotta get out more often
NataliaKitten22: Says the man who lives in a pineapple under the sea
DauntlessLukieCake: Come on
DauntlessLukieCake: Everybody knows that’s Guy
ImaFonTechGuy; D: that’s not me!
(Smoke+Asches was logged off centurions ago)
DauntlessLukieCake: worse centurion joke ever
Tear342: Worst Spongebob joke ever, correction.
FonicallyAwkward: Well guys
FonicallyAwkward: I have a house to go live in
TokunagaAni: Don’t leave me bae
FonicallyAwkward: say something I’m giving up on you
TokunagaAni: shit
FonicallyAwkward: Peace yinzers
(FonicallyAwkward has left the chat)
ImaFonTechGuy: My Johnny Yong Bosch sense is tingling
ImaFonTechGuy: I gtg 2
TokunagaAni: Wait for me~
TokunagaAni: I’m coming to your dorm to abduct u
ImaFonTechGuy: That’s nice
*TokunagaAni asks SIRI for directions to Guy’s dorm
NataliaKitten22: wow
TokunagaAni: I am satisfied
TokunagaAni: See you guys in PE tomorrow k
ImaFonTechGuy: Bai
DauntlessLukieCake: I’ll get you my pretty
DauntlessLukieCake: And your little dog too
Tear342: Buenos Noches mi amigos, amigas~
Tear342: Goodnight Lukie
Tear342: Meet you in St. Louis
(Tear342 and ImaFonTechGuy have left the chat)
NataliaKitten22: Guess I should hightail it outta here
NataliaKitten22: cya tomorrow Luke
DauntlessLukieCake: Alright
DauntlessLukieCake: Goodnight

Frustrated about everyone’s sudden disappearance, I have no idea what to say to finalize this chat session.

DauntlessLukieCake: Bruh

That seems to do the trick quite nicely.
I turn off my tPhone and set it onto my nightstand, flailing my hand around in search for the light switch. When I finally locate it I flick it off and flop onto my stomach.
Before I know it I’m fast asleep.

Day Two
1st Period (Science)

“Hey guys,” I stumble into the room breathlessly just seconds before the first bell. Tear, Guy, and Saphir are the only people from the Abyss Dorms in my 1st period science class. This is a college but it’s run like a high school the first few years to help you adjust; the only difference is there are more optional subjects. Science is one subject you can’t decline. My schedule, personally, goes like this:

1st Period: Science (pretty straightforward)
2nd Period: Artes (a class devoted to perfecting them)
3rd Period: Kimlasca History (The school is in Kimlasca)
4th Period: Lunch (base-line for all students is 4th per. lunch)
5th Period: Robotics Club (an in-school club believe it or not)
6th Period: Music (I play piano *again, believe it or not*)
7th Period: Algebra 3 (An extended Algebra class for dummies like me, basically the worst class in existence)
8th Period: Phys Ed (on Wednesdays and Fridays) or Digital Arts (any other day of the week)
9th Period: Free Time!! Here I basically just hang out on the basketball court with the others.

I also have an extra club, Creek Club, where we do a bunch of tests on creeks and lakes and whatnot. We’re going to some exotic place later on in the school year so I’m pretty hyped up for that, as well as just being in the club.

I take my seat next to Tear.
“What did I miss?” I ask. “Nothing,” replies Tear.
  “Guy was a dick. Other than that, you didn’t miss anything.”
Guy taps me on the shoulder from behind where I sit.
“Don’t listen to a word she says, Luke. Follow the Johnny Yong Bosch in your heart.”
 He says. I can tell by the quivering of his serious expression that he’s trying his best not to smile.
“You’re so weird, Guy.” I laugh. “No wonder Anise likes you.”
 “She doesn’t like me!!” Guy squeals.
“Dude, you should be proud of that! If I were you I’d only be embarrassed if someone said I liked her.” Saphir interrupts, giving Guy a friendly punch on the shoulder.
 “You have a point there,” Guy mutters half-heartedly.
“Students, it’s time to start the lesson! Please quiet yourselves down.”
 The teacher says with a grin. My science instructor is really quirky. I forget which Tales of he’s from, it’ll probably take a while to remember.

The class is boringly long, which is unusual. I usually love science and feel horrible when the bell to change classes rings. But today something feels off. I can’t put my finger on it.
As students pour out of the classrooms, meeting up with their buddies, I walk alongside Asch to Artes. We don’t always talk on our way there, but, like I said, today has been really whacked up.
Asch is actually the one who starts our conversation.
“You look upset, dreck. What’s got you down?”
He asks. I stare at him in confusion. “Since when did you care how I feel?” I ask. Asch shrugs.
 “I don’t. I was just wondering if you were okay.”
He answers. “Oh,” I say simply as we turn down a corner in the hallway, shuffling past some old lockers.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I just feel weird because today’s been really off so far.”
  “What do you mean, off?” Asch asks, teasingly smacking Asbel on the shoulder as we pass him and Presea on their way to World Regeneration History.
 “Oh, nothing.” I try to contract myself to fit through a tight space of taller students. “Yikes.” I wince once we’re ‘safe’.
“I mean, like, I couldn’t focus in science today. Something was keeping me on the edge of my seat, like I have to be worried about something. And I don’t like it.”
 I explain. Asch blows a stray piece of hair out of his face.
“I feel weird too. That’s mainly why I asked how you are.” He remarks rather bluntly as we turn into the classroom.
 “My head’s been hurting. Nothing major.”
We slam our books onto our table and sit down next to each other. There are no assigned seats in Artes.
I love this room because:

a. It’s air conditioned.
b. It’s totally high-tech.
c. There are tables instead of desks. (Well, actually, that summarizes the whole school by a long shot)

Asch looks around at the other students who are settling into tables behind and next to us.
The first bell rings. That bell signifies we should be in our classrooms by now, and, although the teachers don’t give two hoots if you’re late, if someone of high authority catches you out of the room after first bell, you’re dead.
 “Good morning everyone!” Ms. Winter says with a cheerful smile. She’s a pleasant, calm young woman, definitely three to four years older than all of us, who always wears her waist-length, naturally cyan hair in an endless braid down her back. I wonder if she’s from a Tales of. Some teacher here aren’t, but most of them are. Like Regal; he runs the Woodshop Club.
 “I’m going to do things a little differently today. I’m going to start by taking attendance-”
She leans on her wooden pedestal she uses to teach, pulling out a large clipboard from inside it.
“Let’s see here…Colette…? Is she here today?”
There’s silence in the room. Colette is never late for a class, and has won many awards for perfect attendance in the past.
 “I guess not. That’s a real shocker, isn’t it?”
Some students giggle nervously. If Colette isn’t here, something is definitely wrong.
 “Maybe she went to the wrong class?” I suggest with a shrug. Winter seems to get the message.
“Could be. Anyways, who’s next…Luke? Uh, Fon Fabre? I’m sorry, I can never pronounce your name.”
 “Ciao!” I give her a big goofy smile. Asch pinches my leg under the table.
Winter smiles back at me. “Good. Again, sorry if I say your name wrong. I’m new to this.”

So class drags on with much studying on how Artes work and how you can improve them.
My heart migrates to my throat, however, when Winter says she wants Asch and I to demonstrate a Hyperresonance. I really don’t see what that has to do with Artes, but anything to please the teacher.
It actually goes well. Apart from my giant headache all throughout 3rd Period and Lunch.

In the hallways on the way back from the cafeteria, I’m walking with Anise and Ion. We see a large crowd forming over by the lockers and I begin to wonder what’s going on.
“Hey,” I flick Anise on the shoulder. “Look at that. A crowd’s forming.”
 Anise acknowledges me with a small nod. “I think I hear someone talking. Come on, let’s go check it out!”
 The three of us race up to the group of excited students.
There, someone has Yuan pinned to the wall.
“Who’s that?” Ion whispers to me, pointing to the unidentifiable figure. It’s wearing a black hooded sweatshirt with the hood up, covering the back of their head.
 “Beats me,” I reply, shrugging.

“Let me go before you draw attention to yourself,” Yuan growls. The crowd seems to move in on the action, and begins to close in on them.
 “I don’t take orders from first-years. Now listen to me-”
He leans in close to Yuan’s face with a menacing glare.
“You, me, at the cliff, tonight. You and me, buddy, we’re gonna talk things over.”
He lets go of Yuan, who slinks to the ground, and walks away, turning around at the last minute and watching him struggle to replenish his air supply.
 “And you better show up. Or things are gonna get so nasty you’ll wish you’d have listened to me.”
 The man walks away. The crowd begins to chatter and gossip while a brown-haired girl helps him to stand up.
“Who was that guy?”
“What did Yuan ever do?”
“I wonder why he was so angry?”
“Why isn’t Kratos here to do anything?”
“If I were Yuan, I would stay away from the cliff.”
“I want more food!”
 The group of students is buzzing like a hive of angry bees. I knew something was off today. I just knew!
“Come on,” I pull Ion and Anise out of the way of the crowd.
We make our way down to the Robotics Club room.
 “Who was that weird man?” Anise whispers. Ion and I both shrug. “I don’t know, but whoever he was he seemed real upset.” Ion replies.
 “Maybe someone should warn him not to go to the cliff.” I suggest. Anise shakes her head.
“No.” She replies. “If he truly means what he says, Yuan’s life could be in danger if he doesn’t go.”
 “But it could be in danger if he does go, too!” I snap. “We can’t let him get hurt, even if we barely know him! It’s not right to ignore a situation when you can do something.”
 “Yes, but Luke…” Ion pauses. “We can’t do anything. We just have to wait it out. It’s none of our business and if we get involved, it might be us up at that cliff tomorrow night. Okay?”
He asks calmingly. I take in a deep breath and sigh. “Okay.”

The rest of the day is long and agonizing. I feel terrible about Yuan, but Ion’s right. There’s nothing we can do. We just gotta wait and see how it turns out.

After school, I sit down on the empty basketball court outside and wait for Tear. She’s usually the first one to meet us here.
I wait for ten minutes before she finally gets here with Natalia and Asch.
“Hey guys,” she says with a smile.
  “Eh.” I reply, no enthusiasm left in me.
“Sheesh, what’s up with you, dreck?” Asch teases. “You get an F on your Algebra test or something?”
 “No, I mean, well, yeah, I did, but that’s not what I’m upset about.” I snap.
“Wow. You actually guessed that right.” Natalia says, blinking in confusion.
 “So what’s wrong?” Tear asks, sitting next to me on the hot tarmac. The little green sprouts of grass poking out from in between the court lines are dying thanks to the sudden cold spell that hit yesterday night. But today it’s warm out.
 I tell them about Yuan getting in that fight just as the others (Guy, Anise, Ion) show up. Jade and Saphir have a student council meeting tonight, so they have to stay after school.
 “That’s pretty rough,” Guy says, kicking a deflated basketball around with his foot.
“Yeah, I know.” I reply. “I wonder if he said anything on Twitter. You know, about how he’s gonna go to the cliff and most likely die.”
 “I wish you wouldn’t think so negatively. But you do have a point. We should look just in case.” Ion smiles, and Anise gives him a tight hug. They’re so cheesy when they’re together.
 “Aaaaanyways,” I say, attempting to draw the attention towards me rather than Ion and Anise. “I’m going to look on Twitter and see if Yuan said anything.”
 I pull out my tPhone and unlock it, calling up Twitter with a simple tap of the screen.
It takes several seconds to load, but by the time it’s fully up the others are huddled around me like freezing penguins are around a chick egg.
 “Here’s Yuan’s post.” I mutter, deleting my other tweets so I don’t have to worry about being distracted.

Yuan @WaffleFanaticU45

@DauntlessLukieCake Alright I’m going to meet the guy who nearly killed me today by the cliff in 60 min…wish me luck. #OMGImightdieherelol I’m really not scared, but you never know.
 30 minutes ago    Favorite   Tweet   Reply

“Yuan sent me a tweet a half an hour ago,” I say. “I’m convinced he sent it to everyone who he recognized as a witness during the fight.”
 The others seem to fall silent, and only the sound of faint breathing can be heard.
 “Guess we can only wait.” Ion sighs.
“Can’t we tweet him back?” Guy inquires.
 “Don’t think it would be a good idea.” I reply.
We all sit in total silence as the sun begins to drop just a bit.
“I want to go back to the dorms. There’s an enchilada in the refrigerator with my name all over it.”
I say to break the ‘sound barrier’. Tear giggles.
“Isn’t every food item in your dorm reserved for you?”
She asks, pulling my long red hair. I smile.
 “Yeah, pretty much. Except Asch. I don’t want to eat him.”
I say half-heartedly. Asch scoffs at me.
“Stupid dreck. I bet you taste terrible.” he sneers.
“Only as bad as you taste, brother.”
I reply. Worst comeback yet best comeback.
Asch sits there for a while, motionless and speechless.
I told you it was the best comeback.

So pretty soon I’m sitting at the kitchen table of mine and Asch’s dorm, chowing down on a chicken enchilada.
“Say, Asch,” I mutter, my mouth full. I swallow before continuing because talking with your mouth full is disgusting. “when is the Student Council meeting over?”
“I don’t know.” Asch replies, sipping on some tea. “I think it should be over at around-” he looks at the clock on the oven timer. “5:30-ish.”
 “Huh…” I sigh, taking one last bite before my enchilada is gone with the wind. “Anyone you know on the Student Council?”
Asch takes my plate from me and places it in the sink. “Why are you so concerned about the Council all of a sudden?”
 “Dunno. I guess I’m just thinking about Yuan still.”
I reply with a shrug. “I’m worried about him.”
“I’m sure the guy’s right and they’re just going to talk about their problems, maybe work out any hard feelings between the two of them. For some reason they might have some.”
 I bite my lip. “Maybe you’re right.”
“Ay, Luke.” Asch pats me on the shoulder. He never calls me Luke, not even if it’s mandatory. “Don’t worry about it. He’ll be fine, okay?”
 I sigh again, relaxing in my chair. “Sure.”
Asch flashes me a quick smile. He never does that, either.
“Now for the more important matter.” I say.
Asch cocks his head in confusion. “What?” he asks.
 “Did you go to hell and back, because you’re suddenly being nice to me!?!” I shout.
“Oh my. I’m so sorry.” Asch replies sarcastically.
 I shake my head and laugh. “You’re not sorry. Dreck.”
“Who you calling dreck, dreck?” Asch snaps, the kindness vanished from his face.
 “Sheesh, I’m just playing with you. Calm yourself.”
I say with a giggle. “At least you make good enchiladas.”
 “Yeah.” Asch whispers simply. “The enchiladas are all you like about me.”
   “I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.” I pretend to be disturbed, but in reality I feel fine.
 Well, for a while I do.

(DauntlessLukieCake has joined the chat)
DauntlessLukieCake: Hi everyone
DauntlessLukieCake: Any update on Yuan
TokunagaAni: You’re such a stalker,
TokunagaAni: Let him handle it on his own.
ImaFonTechGuy: I’m sure he’s fine, Luke.
FonicallyAwkward: Yeah, don’t worry about it~
NataliaKitten22: If something was wrong we’d already know thanks to Kratos…and Twitter! x3
(Tear342 has joined the chat quite suddenly)
Tear342: Guys…
DauntlessLukieCake: hey Tear
Tear342: Yuan is dead!!!

I drop my phone on the floor in shock, nearly cracking the screen.
 “No!!!” I yell, forgetting I was texting and not talking to my friends.

DauntlessLukieCake: You’re kidding, right??
Smoke+Asches: Oh my
Smoke+Asches: You’ve scared him into punctuation.
Tear342: Would I lie to you?? No!!!
FonicallyAwkward: How’d you find out!??
NataliaKitten22: No one is safe…
Tear342: That’s not true we’re all safe, it’s just Yuan.
Tear342: I was going to the school to get a book from the library. When I passed I saw someone running down the sidewalk. I caught up to them and
Tear342: They said they saw Yuan get killed and someone pushed him off a cliff
DauntlessLukieCake: Ion you’re such an idiot!! I told you we should tweet him or something!!
FonicallyAwkward: You’re the idiot for agreeing with me
FonicallyAwkward: You’re an independent being you can do what you want => E.g.: You’re Divergent. <.-.> dunno
(SyncaroniAndCheese has joined the chat.)
FonicallyAwkward: Sync??
SyncaroniAndCheese: Guys, did you hear about Yuan???
SyncaroniAndCheese: Oh, and hi Ion 
Tear342: I was just telling them about Yuan dying when you joined, Sync!
SyncaroniAndCheese: Yeah…I can’t believe someone would just push a guy off a cliff! What a dickhead.
TokunagaAni: Nice language
DauntlessLukieCake: I’d watch it, Anise, you got a real knack for swearing. XD
SyncaroniAndCheese: How’d you guys hear about it (Tear)
Tear342: I ran into someone on the way to the library
Tear342: They said they saw someone push Yuan off the cliff
FonicallyAwkward: I walked past the cliff earlier and thought I saw two people sunbathing or something
FonicallyAwkward: I hope it wasn’t Yuan and his killer!! D:> #IHadNoIdeaTheyWereDeadBodies
ImaFonTechGuy: I like the # but didn’t you stop to take a closer look??
FonicallyAwkward: I’m going afk to do that right now.
(FonicallyAwkward is now afk)
NataliaKitten22: I hate to change the subject but does anyone else realize that ‘afk’ means ‘away from keyboard’? Shouldn’t there be like an ‘afp’ for ‘away from phone’?
Smoke+Asches: Yeah, but afk is universal for ‘I’ll be right back, bae’.
DauntlessLukieCake: Heya Sync
SyncaroniAndCheese: Yeah?
DauntlessLukieCake: One, I love your username,
SyncaroniAndCheese: Thx ;) I made it up this morning
Tear342: Really?
SyncaroniAndCheese: I had been too busy with perfecting my Song Magic to text xD #ArTonelicoQogaBestGameEver
Smoke+Asches: Reyvateil lover
DauntlessLukieCake: AS I WAS SAYING
DauntlessLukieCake: How did you find out
SyncaroniAndCheese: A little bluebird-
SyncaroniAndCheese: Nah, JK. Genis and I were hanging out after Digital Arts and he told all, says he took a leisurely stroll past the cliff and nearly fell off himself when he saw Yuan there on the ground
DauntlessLukieCake: WAIT
(FonicallyAwkward is no longer afk)
FonicallyAwkward: GUYS!!
FonicallyAwkward: There’s only one body there now!! The others gone!!
DauntlessLukieCake: A: OMG B: Sync you realize only girls can be Reyvateils therefore perfecting Song Magic makes you a girl.
FonicallyAwkward: Sweet we can date now
SyncaroniAndCheese: I must have forgot to say I was practicing…on the piano
SyncaroniAndCheese: Srry Ion #SympathyHug?
FonicallyAwkward: My username really suits me right now #AcceptanceThanks Especially the ‘awkward’ part
Smoke+Asches: Whose body was there? I hope not Yuan’s??
FonicallyAwkward: Yeah, Yuan’s. :I
DauntlessLukieCake: You can’t be serious
FonicallyAwkward: I wouldn’t lie about something so freaky man
FonicallyAwkward: Although this’ll make a sexy story for the school paper, I wish it had never happened.
NataliaKitten22: Do u think they’ll let us off school to hold vigil for Yuan??
ImaFonTechGuy: Maybe only Kratos
TokunagaAni: Or just the Symphonia kiddos
FonicallyAwkward: I’m gonna need some serious overdose of gummy bears to clear this from my mind
TokunagaAni: Don’t give yourself diabetes
TokunagaAni: I’ll cry .-.
SyncaroniAndCheese: Plus you’ll be ugly
FonicallyAwkward: Wasn’t I already
SyncaroniAndCheese: You really are awkward, man!
DauntlessLukieCake: Well awkward Fon Masters and diabetes aside, we’ve got a murder on our hands.
Smoke+Asches: I hate to say it, but he’s right.
DauntlessLukieCake: Thank you my loyal assistant
DauntlessLukieCake: Sherlock Holmes greatly appreciates your contribution to science and NCIS.
TokunagaAni: How can you be so calm??
TokunagaAni: My mothers tittles mc skittles are actually quite calm thank you very much
SyncaroniAndCheese: I need to IM more often. I’m really missing out on all the fun.
ImaFonTechGuy: You need to get Jade and Saphir in on the action! Do it, Syncaroni!
DauntlessLukieCake: Guy you’ve been awfully quiet
DauntlessLukieCake: You ever got in a fight with Yuan??
Tear342: Luke, stop it
Tear342: Just because he hasn’t said anything doesn’t mean you can pin this whole case on him.
ImaFonTechGuy: Yeah I’ve actually been writing down the evidence on my whiteboard and seeing if I can come up with a conclusion to this.
ImaFonTechGuy: So far I’m getting nowhere because my phone keeps vibrating with texts
ImaFonTechGuy: Thank you very much.
Smoke+Asches: TGIF
Smoke+Asches: Anybody know what time it is?

I look up from my phone and back out to the lock screen. When I call it back up I see it’s 9:36 at night.

DauntlessLukieCake: It’s 9:36 PM
Tear342: 9:36
ImaFonTechGuy: Too busy to look at the clock sorry
FonicallyAwkward: 21:36
SyncaroniAndCheese: It’s party time bruh
TokunagaAni: It’s time for the gypsies to come out and abduct the little children/Gailardia.
ImaFonTechGuy: You’re a gypsy Anise
NataliaKitten22: Leave it to Anise to ruin your childhood
NataliaKitten22: PS It’s 9:24
Smoke+Asches: Nat you need to fix your clock.
Smoke+Asches: It’s demented.
DauntlessLukieCake: Like Mrs. Tatlin’s tittles mc skittles
FonicallyAwkward: Really???
DauntlessLukieCake: Guys my phone is about to die
DauntlessLukieCake: So I’m gonna hit the hay anyways.
Tear342: Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night
ImaFonTechGuy: May the force be with you Luke Skywalker
FonicallyAwkward: Good night sleep tight don’t let the Fonons bite
SyncaroniAndCheese: Go with the blessings of Frelia
NataliaKitten22: Watch out for bicycles
Smoke+Asches: Goodnight everyone
Smoke+Asches: Luke, I need to talk to you before you go to bed so don’t go straight to sleep, k?
TokunagaAni: And the Great Pumpkin will rise out of the pumpkin patch on Halloween Eve and bring presents to all the good little boys and girls that excludes Gailardia.
ImaFonTechGuy: Thanks
DauntlessLukieCake: Goodnight everyone
DauntlessLukieCake: Pray for each other :)
DauntlessLukieCake: Because I don’t want what happened to Yuan to happen to you. You’re all my best friends :) :)
(DauntlessLukieCake has left the chat.)

With a sorrowful sigh I turn off my tPhone and toss it somewhere without really caring whether my screen cracked or not. I shuffle into Asch’s room and greet him half-heartedly.
 “Hey, Luke.” he says in reply. “I just wanted to say I’m sorry, you know, for always being so mean to you.”
I freeze in place, startled. “You’re s-sorry…?” I echo.
“Mm-hm. I’ll try to be nicer to you from now on.”
Asch nods. “Why?” I ask.

“Because if you end up in Yuan’s place, I want you to know I do care about you.”

We both stare at each other for a moment, still in our school clothes, half-asleep for the most part.
“Thanks, Asch.” I mutter, managing a weak smile. “I’m sorry I annoy you so much.”

“So we’re all good now? No hard feelings?”
Asch extends his hand for me to shake.
“No hard feelings,” I reply with a grin, taking up his offer.
He pulls me into a hug as soon as we shake on it.

“Don’t you dare go off and die like Yuan, you hear me?”
He says as we hug. I relax my shoulders.
 “I won’t,” I whimper, begging for air. Asch lets me go.
“Goodnight, DauntlessLukieCake.”
“See you later, Smoke+Asches.”

The minute I crawl into bed,
I am engulfed in total darkness,
And a dream I wish I could wake up from
Before it even starts.

Finished on 9/19/14 at 10:04 PM 
Here it is, Chapter one! I know I gave you no notice that this was gonna be made, but here it is!
I hope you like it, please excuse Luke and Anise's language.

Oh, and in case you didn't know, these are the people the usernames are assigned to:

DauntlessLukieCake = Luke
Smoke+Asches = Asch
TokunagaAni = Anise
FonicallyAwkward = Ion
ImaFonTechGuy = Guy
SyncaroniAndCheese = Sync
NataliaKitten22 = Natalia
Tear342 = Tear

I think that's it...
So, without further ado...

***EDIT 10-6-14:: The first day is Thursday night. Day two is Friday. ETC. Sorry for the inconvenience!! ;^;
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